how to understand this text in different language

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Kisi-kisi Ujian Tengah Semester

Kisi-kisi Ujian Tengah Semester
Mata Kuliah Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Lainnya
1.   Jelaskan pengertian lembaga keuangan dan sebutkan apa saja lembaga keuangan yang termasuk ke dalam bentuk Bank dan non Bank dan jelaskan konsep atau perngertian umumnya masing-masing.
2.    Jelaskan apa saja fungsi uang dan jenis-jenis uang beserta contohnya!
3.    Jelaskan pengklasifikasian jenis-jenis bank dari berbagai pendekatan atau segi!
4.    Jelaskan unsur-unsur, tujuan dan fungsi kredit beserta contohnya!

examples of a presentation

Could I have your attention, please..
Assalammualaikum, wr.wb.
Welcome to my presentation..
As you know, I am Masha..
I’d like to give you a presentation about my self, and my most interesting story.
This presentation is to fulfill the English assignment for this semester.
Feel free to ask any question during my presentation.
Ms. Listian, My friends..
My name is Masha, I was born in Rumania, 17th of August 1945.
My hobby is cooking.
My, dear friends..
I have an interesting story to tell you..
Yesterday, I cooked with my sister. We made a new omelet recipe. My sister was so happy because it was her first experience to fry an egg. Unfortunately we were not careful. The omelet was burnt, and can not be saved, because I was busy reading messages in my social media inbox. Thank God, I switched off the stove before something bad happen.
From that time, I have promised my self to be careful and stay focus on my work.
That’s all about me and my interesting experience. Thank you.